Site selection
Looking for office space, a storefront, or any other available location? We can help you find the right spot and facilities in Skåne based on your needs or requirements.
What we can provide:
- Site screening throughout Skåne with access to detailed data
- Coordination of the site selection process including visiting programs for company delegations
- Access to national, regional and local decision makers; municipalities, land-owners, real-estate companies, etc
Did you know that Microsoft recently acquired land in the municipality of Staffanstorp, outside of Malmö, with the intention to build a data center? Access all of our industry reports here
We can assist you with step-by-step guidance throughout the whole process, from identifying available business opportunities to getting set up in Skåne. We can also help after your business has been established and you want to expand your presence in the region. And all our services are free of charge.